Saturday, January 2, 2010

the lucky one.

That’s 2009 in a word. Lucky. It was one of those chapters of life that you could never forget. And you’d never want to. Somehow, the stars aligned and life led me through a series of unbelievable experiences that are etched in my mind and hopefully will stay there. Here’s a little taste of what made such an impact this year:

A growing family with three new babies (and two more on the way)

A Holy Land

A weekly trip to the Garden Tomb

A camel ride along the Nile

A dance party in ancient Roman ruins accompanied by bagpipe playing Jordanians.

A hike up Mount Sinai to see the sunrise

An Indiana Jones reenactment in Petra

A better and truer celebration of Palm Sunday and Easter than any other

A verse of "Master the Tempest is Raging" on the Sea of Galilee

An unbreakable bond with 77 new friends

A new perspective on an ancient conflict

A trip back to Romania

A chance to see the people that changed my life

A chance to show my parents my home of 18 months

A reunion of three close friends

A quality week with the ones I've missed

A reunion with delicious Romanian sarmale

A summer sales job in Washington and all the growing that comes with daily frustration :)

An occasional break from the blessed job to swim in the ice cold Columbia River

A necessary slurpee run almost daily to the 7-11 with 18 flavors

A camaraderie of kindred spirits I worked and lived with there

A happy hour at Applebees as needed

A first-ever car accident and a blessed soul who fixed my headlight for free

A Lake Powell extravaganza with the Hales and their 20 newly adopted children

A near-death experience

A move back to Provo

A new addiction to SYTYCD

An apartment full of the greatest roommates a girl could ask for
Like I said, it's been a lucky year. And I've been a lucky soul. I've laughed and cried and felt every other emotion on the scale. And I've loved every bit of it. 2010, you've got big shoes to fill. Let's see what you can do!


  1. oh my luna luna luna.
    what a fun year.
    i am oober jealous of your adventures.
    i am oober jealous of your companions in romania.
    i am oober jealous of your great looks.

    but i am also very lucky that i got to spend one month as your roomie. and that our girls shared the same side of the cabin. and that you are so great and blessed my life forever.

    i live in sojo. but i go to school in orem. i think we should reunite. one of these mwf. okok.

    i love you!
    the old lady named goosey.

  2. It's time to settle down long enough to find a hubby and pop out some kids so that you can no longer make us jealous with your galavanting...hehe. What a fun year! Hopefully next time I can come along.

  3. You have, indeed, had quite a year. One of the great things about this last year, for me, was getting to know you Angie. May this year be as blessed for you as last year was. Love, Sandra

  4. Wow! You have had one lucky year! I'm glad that things are going so well for you! I know I haven't talked to you in ages, but I check out your blog every once in a while. I think if I took one word to describe 2009, it would probably be much of a blessing as Chelsea is, becoming a mother has been one of the biggest challenges I've had to overcome. Anyway, you should check out our blog ( ) for some super cute pictures :)

  5. What a beautiful way to tell a year's story--and I'm glad you've been updating your blog, I miss seeing you and hearing from you.

    And how did I miss the fact that you were a fan of SYTYCD?!

  6. Wow Ang! What a year. I'm so jealous. I wanted to go to Israel the whole time I was at BYU, but it was closed. You lucky dog!
